Shipping And Mailing to Us

Shipping And Mailing to Us

  • Please make sure to contact us before mailing anything to us and when mailing PLEASE include name, address, email, phone number, order information so we are able to contact you!
  • Address is:

    Terrapin Guitars
    P.O. Box 11565
    Eugene, OR  97440
    United States

  • When shipping your original pickguard or tracing to Terrapin Guitars use care.  We use a post office box for more security with our mail.  The post office is reliable but there can be broken, bent and lost packages and it is no fun when it happens. Just adding “fragile” or “do not bend” to a package or envelope does not work. 

-- Pickguards or guitar parts are best shipped in a box (priority boxes are available for free from the US post office) or use rigid cardboard to tape the pickguard to if using an envelope.  We get pickguards, truss rod covers or other parts ripped through the envelope having gone through the shipping automation process. 

-- Tracking is always recommended on shipping original guitar parts.

-- Tracings should mailed and as flat as possible.  Folding once or twice is fine but do NOT fold tracings a bunch of times just to fit in a small envelope.

Priority Mail

Pickguards or guitar parts are best shipped in a box (priority boxes are available for free from the US post office) or use rigid cardboard to tape the pickguard to if using an envelope.
