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Les Paul® Strat® 72 Tele® Custom Large Double Neck Projects
Les Paul® Jr. Tele® 72 Tele® Deluxe Full Guitar Face Projects
DOT® Jazz® Bass 69 Tele® Thinline Etc.
ES 335® Etc. P® Bass  
Most Acoustics   etc.  

Just because you don't see it above does not mean we don't do it. This list is just to give a rough idea in size differences to
estimate the price for a custom pick guard based on material selection.

Go back to the Home Page to see a list of pick guards offered for online ordering with customizable options.

There may be additional charges involved if I have to any of the following:

Make a template based off of an original part, provided dimensions or a tracing. $10.00 to $30.00

Setting up graphics or submitted artwork. Starting at $15.00

Design Custom Pick Guards $20.00 and up depending on time and revisions etc.

Installations. $15.00

Create a Pick Guard around a Body you send in. $60.00 fee

There may be other stuff so lets discuss your project if it involves a lot of details.

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